Traditional Irish
Tin Whistle Tutor

By Geraldine Cotter
Tutorial plus appendix of 100 Tunes
Book, or Book w/ 28 tune demo CD

Geraldine Cotter's tutorial is a favorite of many whistle teachers. It covers holding the whistle, basic fingering, basic music reading, breathing, ornamentation and much, much more. One of the most exciting things about this book is the big 100 tune Appendix - enough traditional Irish tunes to keep your fingers happy for ages.


Traditional Irish Tin Whistle Tutor - Book

While this book does cover the basics of reading sheetmusic, if your new to reading music you might want to consider a tutorial that covers the basics in more detail. "You Can Teach Yourself Tinwhistle" for instance, would be an excellent choice.

Click here for a list of the tunes that are in the Appendix



Traditional Irish Tin Whistle Tutor
Book or Book w/ Demo CD

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